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  • November 05, 2018 3 min read

    With so many sources of protein available, it can get overwhelming and the last thing you might think of it is pea protein. After all, the flashbacks of being force-fed mushy peas as a child can be enough to send you screaming from the grocery store. However, before turn away and look to other protein supplements, consider why it’s even on the market. It is good for you?  It is and in so many ways! Today might be the day to change your mind and include pea protein in your diet. Here’s why:

    Source of Amino Acid – Lysine

    Did you know that pea protein is a complete protein? That means unlike other protein supplements on the market, it naturally contains all nine amino acids your body needs. Unfortunately, your body doesn’t produce all of them, leaving it up to you to pick up the slack and choose the right foods. One of the most important ones is Lysine – and pea protein offers it in generous doses. Lysine helps to build and strengthen your cartilage, bones, and skin, as well as aiding in your ability to absorb calcium.

    It’s Low GI

    GI, or glycemic index, relates to how quickly your body digests your food and turns it into glucose. The slower it works, the easier your body can keep your blood sugar levels balanced. Pea protein is a low GI food. As a result, you feel fuller for longer, helping to maintain a healthy body weight, and keeping your blood sugar levels steady throughout the day.

    Packed Full of Iron

    Everyone knows that red meat is loaded with iron, but it’s not healthy to consume red meat every day. Instead, you need plant-based iron. You guessed it; pea protein is the answer. Even though your body has more trouble digesting plant iron than it does animal iron, it’s still a far healthier option. What’s more, it aids oxygen in traveling throughout your blood while reducing the risk of severe iron deficiencies.

    Suitable for People with Allergies

    An alarming number of people are lactose intolerant, with around 50 million sufferers in the United States alone. As a result, it can be a hard task to find protein powders that are lactose-free. Many powders contain whey and casein which can trigger allergic reactions. Pea protein offers all the same benefits of other protein powders but without soy, lactose, or dairy. This creates a safe and natural protein for use by those suffering from allergies.

    Branch Chain Amino Acids

    As previously mentioned, your body can’t produce all nine of the amino acids it needs to function and keep you healthy. You need to consume the right foods. On top of offering plenty of Lysine, pea protein also has branch chain amino acids (BCAAs). These make up over 35 percent of your total muscle mass. You can find BCAAs in regular protein powders, muscle development is the same regardless of whether you use a whey powder or a pea protein powder. Why not reach for the more natural, plant-based option?


    Many people follow a gluten-free lifestyle or have a condition such as gluten intolerance or celiac disease. As a result, it’s a battle to find a protein powder that’s safe for consumption. Pea protein is naturally gluten-free, offering a suitable alternative for those who would typically use whey powder.

    Free of Cholesterol and Saturated Fat

    Everyone knows that excessive amounts of cholesterol and saturated fats are not great for your body. What’s more, many people are consuming far more than the daily recommended caloric intake of five to six percent. The good news is that pea protein is naturally free from saturated fats and cholesterol. You can’t say the same thing about protein powders containing dairy products.

    Gentle on Stomachs

    If you eat a lot of legumes such as beans and peas, you will find they can put you in a painful situation with gas and bloating. Typically, starch and high fiber are to blame. However, because pea protein goes through a different manufacturing process, there are none of these side effects. In fact, it has a 94 percent digestibility rate for your peace of mind.

    Packed Full of Magnesium

    Magnesium is essential for DNA repair, the formation of proteins, and helping your muscles to move. Some studies even show it’s beneficial for brain and heart health, blood pressure, and more. With pea protein, you can get around 45 percent of your daily recommended magnesium requirements. (1)


    Whey and other protein powders can offer many benefits to a range of people, but did you know there are other options available? Because pea protein features essential nutrients your body needs, there’s every reason to consider trying it today.